Special Account for Research Funds of University of Crete

Financial & Administrative Support Unit (F.A.S.U.) of University of Crete

Quality Management

Mission Statement

The Special Account for Research Funds of the University of Crete is committed to the reliable provision of services, to service recipients and their fulfillment, through an organizational environment that aims to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Quality Management System. The Organization treats all recipients of its services with the same criteria, considering that they all have high quality requirements that must be met.

In the context of the Quality Policy, the Administration of S.A.R.F. sets specific key quality objectives which are reviewed at regular intervals and which aim to:

  • Improving the quality of services offered to recipients
  • Improving the speed of service fulfillment
  • Reducing problems
  • Reducing service recipient complaints and improving their satisfaction
  • Confirmation that the Organization's processes are operating effectively

Quality Management System

The Special Account for Research Funds of the University of Crete has installed and implements a documented Quality Management System, whose effectiveness is up to date with the requirements of the EN ISO 9001:2015 Standard.

The object (Scope) of the Quality Management System is:

Special Account Services, Planning, Management and Project Implementation Support

The Unit has defined and included all its required processes in the Quality Management System , and has defined the succession and interaction between them, the incoming and outgoing elements, as well as the criteria required to establish that these processes are effective.

The Unit also ensures the availability of the necessary resources for the implementation and monitoring of these processes. Through the monitoring procedures, the Unit, measures and analyzes , through discrete indicators, the processes and activities that fall under the Quality Management System and develops any actions required to achieve pre-planned results and improvements in these activities.

  View Certificate (pdf)

PA 2021-2027 The Transparency Program initiative National Documentation Centre Erasmus+ PA 2014-2020 European Union
Euraxess Horizon 2020 elidek