Special Account for Research Funds of University of Crete

Financial & Administrative Support Unit (F.A.S.U.) of University of Crete

Institutional Framework

The purpose of S.A.R.F.

The purpose of the S.A.R.F. is the management and distribution of funds from any source of funding, as defined in article 230 and intended to cover expenses, of any kind, that are necessary for the execution of research, educational, training, development projects, as well as continuing training projects , seminars and conferences, providing scientific, technological and artistic services, preparing special and clinical studies, performing tests, measurements, laboratory tests and analyses, providing opinions, drawing up specifications on behalf of third parties, planning and implementing scientific, research, cultural and development programs, as well as other related services, for the benefit of Universities (relevant provisions: Law 4957/2022, art. 229).

Management Bodies

The Research Committee is the decision-making body of the S.A.R.F. . and is distinct from the governing bodies of the Higher Educational Institution (H.E.I.). The Research Committee consists of one (1) representative from each Faculty, with his deputy and the Rector or the Vice-Rector, if the field of research has been assigned according to par. 2 of article 15 to one of the Vice-Rectors, as its President .

The Committee is established in each H.E.I. by decision of the Board of Administration, following a proposal by the Rector of H.E.I. and a proposal by the Dean's Office of each Faculty regarding its representatives


The Financial & Administrative Support Unit (F.A.S.U.) is responsible for the administrative and financial management of the research projects/programs carried out through S.A.R.F. .

Research Ethics Committee

The Research Ethics Committee (REC UoC) is the overarching Committee at the University of Crete for the consideration of ethical issues arising from research that involves human participants and personal data.

The remit of the REC is to devise a University policy for approval by the General Board for the consideration and approval of research projects involving human participants or personal data, including the establishment of specialist sub-committees, where appropriate, to cover specific areas.

The Commitee constists of seven standing members and seven substitute members

PA 2021-2027 The Transparency Program initiative National Documentation Centre Erasmus+ PA 2014-2020 European Union
Euraxess Horizon 2020 elidek